MOOCs stand for
massive open online courses, they are changing higher education, but now it is
also impacting grades k-12. The article goes on explaining each letter of the
acronym, starting with M or massive, which refers to the number of
participants. MOOCs are attracting a
variety number of students depending on the institution. Also, O or open refers to anyone who wants to
participate with cost or no cost depending on the institution. According to the article, it can also mean
the transparency of the course activity.
The other O, or online, means that the courses are most of the time
offered online but also face-to-face. Now more teachers from grades k-12 are
being trained for this type of programs.
It is interesting to learn about these new ways of teaching and how
technology is impacting education.
Online courses are known to be for higher education, but it is important
to understand that things are changing and as future teachers we should get familiar
with this topic so we can be prepared.
Q1: Is MOOCs
free for all students?
A1: According to
the article, Open generally means that anyone who
wants to participate is allowed to at no cost. However, some institutions do
charge participants who want to earn college credits for MOOCs, and this is
likely to become more common.
Q2: What are the
subcategories for MOOCs?
A2: There are two different kinds of MOOCs which
are the cMOOCs and the xMOOCs. The
cMOOCs are characterized by deep participation in per groups of facilitators
and participants. On the other hand, the
xMOOCs are more independent large groups of participants and tend to focus on
academic areas such as computer science or math.
Fasimpaur, K.
(n.d.). Massive and open. (2013). Learning and Leading with Technology,
12-17. Retrieved from
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